Learn about services for students at Seneca Polytechnic, including their accessibility services, peer and academic support programs, financial aid, campus accessibility, and more.
Seneca Polytechnic has several campuses at 10 locations within the Greater Toronto Area, including their 4 main campuses:
- King Campus (King City)
- Newnham Campus (Toronto)
- Markham Campus (Markham)
- Seneca @ York Campus (Toronto)
Seneca Polytechnic offers advanced diplomas, certificates, degrees, diplomas, and graduate certificates through a wide variety of programs.
The addresses for their 4 main campuses are:
King Campus:
13990 Dufferin Street
King City, Ontario L7B 1B3
(416) 491-5050 or (905) 833-3333
Markham Campus:
8 The Seneca Way
Markham, Ontario L3R 5Y1
(416) 491-5050
Newnham Campus:
1750 Finch Avenue East
Toronto, Ontario M2J 2X5
(416) 491-5050 or (416) 493-4144
Peterborough Campus:
925 Airport Road #580
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6X6
(416) 491-5050
Seneca International Academy:
8 The Seneca Way
Markham, Ontario L3R 5Y1
(416) 491-5050
Yorkgate Campus:
1 York Gate Boulevard
North York, Ontario M3N 3A1
(416) 491-5050
Seneca Downtown Toronto:
30 Wellington Street West, 5th Floor (Commerce Court South)
Toronto, Ontario M5L 1E2
(416) 493-4144
Accessibility Services
At Seneca Polytechnic, the office providing accessibility services to students is called Accessible Learning Services. Counselling and Accessibility Services is the primary place to find out about all of your disability related needs.
Transition Programs
Seneca Polytechnic offers transition programming for students with disabilities through a two-day summer workshop called Ready… Set… Success!, and evening sessions for students and parents once the semester has begun.
Documentation Requirements
In order to access accommodations at Seneca Polytechnic, please visit the linked webpage to learn what documentation is required to show proof of a disability.
Health Services
The Seneca Medical Centre located at the Newnham Campus provides a range of services to students by their health care team, which includes registered nurses and medical doctors.
Counselling Services
Seneca Polytechnic offers counselling services through Counselling and Accessibility Services for any student who may be experiencing stressful events in their life.
Academic Support
Seneca Polytechnic has Learning Centres located on its 4 main campuses, where students can receive tutoring, attend workshops and receive supplemental instruction in English, mathematics, and program specific subjects.
Peer Mentoring
The SMILE Mentoring Program at Seneca Polytechnic is designed for first year students who would like to receive mentorship from upper year students.
Library Services
The libraries at Seneca Polytechnic offer various resources for students including databases, journals, e-books, and e-videos. The libraries also provides services for students such as group study space, subject guides, and citing sources.
Academic Advising
Each Seneca student is assigned an adviser who can assist them in educational planning, graduation requirements, academic regulations, and any program-related questions.
Other Support Services
Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards
Seneca Polytechnic's Financial Aid and Awards office offers a range of financial assistance which consists of merit-based scholarships, need-based bursaries, and awards based on academic achievement. Information regarding Seneca Polytechnic's financial aid is available on their website, as well as complete lists of scholarships, bursaries, awards, and contact information.
Seneca Polytechnic offers the Work Study Plan for students, which is a need-based program for students to secure on-campus employment.
On-Campus Housing
Seneca Polytechnic's Residence Office offers suite style accommodations for students in residence. Residence is guaranteed to all incoming students if they apply before the deadline. Each apartment unit includes 2 private bedrooms, a shared washroom, and a shared kitchenette. Building amenities include:
- Common lounge
- Common study areas
- Common kitchen
- Access to a front desk
- Maintenance
- Laundry facilities
All suites are furnished and include internet access, local telephone service, and cable television access. Residence rates vary per year and payment plans are available. Students have the option of purchasing a meal plan if they desire.
Barrier-free rooms are available for students requiring special accommodations. Students are required to provide details on the Medical, Accessibility and Special Consideration section of the residence application, along with proper documentation.
Off-Camus Housing
Seneca Polytechnic offers an accommodation listing service of Off Campus Housing, where landlords can advertise rental properties available.
Campus Accessibility
Seneca offers maps and locations for each campus.
Toronto Transit
The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is comprised of subways, buses, and streetcars. A discounted Post-Secondary Student Monthly Metro Pass is available for purchase for full-time students at Seneca Polytechnic. Schedules and maps are provided for each of the TTC transit options.
The TTC offers accessible services on both their buses and subways. Accessible services on buses include kneeling features, ramps, lifts, automated next stop announcements, wheel chair and scooter positions, and priority seating. The subways provide accessible services such as wheel chair positions and priority seating. There are elevators at half of the subway stations, with the goal of the remaining stations to be accessible by 2025.
The TTC offers the Support Person Assistance Card which allows users of the transit system who require a support person to have this person travel with them at no additional cost. Persons interested in the support program must fill out the application form.
Wheel-Trans is a service that provides door-to-door accessible transit service for persons with physical disabilities. The TTC has established eligibility guidelines for the use of Wheel-Trans. Persons seeking to use Wheel-Trans must participate in an in-person interview.
Seneca Polytechnic offers a wide range of academic programs. Information about the academic programs and educational opportunities at Seneca Polytechnic is available on their website.