Learn about services for students at Fanshawe College, including their accessibility services, peer and academic support programs, financial aid, campus accessibility, and more.
Fanshawe College is located in London, Ontario, with additional regional campuses in Simcoe, St. Thomas, and Woodstock. Fanshawe College provides educational opportunities to 17,000 full-time and 26,000 part-time students. Fanshawe College has academic programs in the following areas of interest:
- Agriculture, Animal & Related Practices
- Arts & Culture
- Business, Finance & Administration
- Communication & Languages
- Computers & Telecommunications
- Culinary, Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism
- Education, Community & Social Services
- Energy, Environmental & Natural Resources
- Engineering & Technology
- Fire, Justice & Security
- Health, Food & Medical
- Home & Garden
- Media
- Sciences & Mathematics
- Transportation & Logistics
The addresses for Fanshawe campuses are:
London Campus:
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard
London, Ontario N5Y 5R6
(519) 452-4277
London South Campus:
1060 Wellington Road
London, Ontario N6E 3W5
(519) 452-4430 x 6221
Simcoe/Norfolk Regional Campus:
634 Ireland Road, P.O. Box 10
Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 4K8
(519) 426-8260
St. Thomas/Elgin Campus:
120 Bill Martyn Parkway
St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A7
(519) 633-2030
Woodstock/Oxford Regional Campus:
369 Finkle Street
Woodstock, Ontario N4V 1A3
(519) 421-0144
Accessibility Services
At Fanshawe College, the centre providing accessibility services to students is called Accessibility Services. The Accessibility Services office is the primary place to find out about all of your disability related needs. To learn about their registration process, view the "How to Register with Accessibility Services" video for more details.
Transition Programs
Fanshawe College offers transition programs for students with disabilities called Discovery Days (in the spring), Fast Forward to Fanshawe (in the summer), and STEPping into Fanshawe - Summer Transition Experiential Program (in the summer, for students with mental health concerns).
Accessibility Plan
For more information about accessibility at Fanshawe College, and their current initiatives to address issues of accessibility, please see Fanshawe College's Accessibility Plan.
Documentation Requirements
In order to access accommodations at Fanshawe College, please visit the linked webpage to learn what documentation is required to show proof of a disability.
Health Services
Physicians are available at the Health Services Medical Clinic on the main campus in London for a variety of medical services.
Counselling Services
Fanshawe College offers Counselling Services for any student who may be experiencing stressful events in their life.
Transition Program
Fanshawe College offers the Head Start transition program on multiple campuses for all new students who will be attending their first year at Fanshawe.
Academic Support
The Learning Centre at Fanshawe College's London campus offers free academic assistance from peer tutoring, writing services, and study skills.
Library Services
Library & Media Services at Fanshawe College's London campus offers various resources for students including databases, journals, e-books, and e-videos. The Library & Media Centre also provides services for students such as subject guides, student research labs, and outreach services.
Academic Advising
Student Success Advisors at Fanshawe College can offer guidance to students on planning and navigating their educational journey.
Other Support Services
Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards
Fanshawe College's Financial Aid Office offers a range of financial assistance which consists of merit-based scholarships, need-based bursaries, and awards based on academic achievement. Information regarding Fanshawe College’s financial aid is available on their website, as well as complete lists of scholarships, bursaries, awards, and contact information.
On-Campus Housing
Fanshawe College’s Residence and Conference Centre offers traditional style accommodations for 1,222 students and townhouse style accommodations for 396 students at the London campus. Application for residence operates on a first-come, first-served basis and students who are not initially accepted will be placed on a waiting list. Traditional suite style includes 2-4 private bedrooms, 2 washrooms, a shared kitchenette, and shared common area. Townhouse style residence includes 6 private bedrooms, 2 full-sized washrooms, common living spaces and a full kitchenette. All Building amenities include:
- Common lounges
- Access to a front desk
- Maintenance
- Laundry facilities
All rooms come furnished and include internet access, telephone hookup and cable television. Residence rates vary depending on building selection. Mandatory meal plans are included in the cost of traditional style accommodations and are optional for students living in townhouse style accommodations. Meal plans operate on a declining balance system using "flex dollars".
Fanshawe College offers several barrier-free rooms for students requiring special accommodations. Students who require special accommodations must provide proper documentation when submitting their residence application.
Off-Campus Housing
Fanshawe College offers several off-campus housing options. Students interested in living off campus can access the online listing system to locate available accommodations, or contact the off-campus housing office.
Campus Accessibility
Fanshawe offers a campus map for the London campus. There are currently no maps available online for other campuses. Fanshawe College offers maps and directions to each of the campuses.
London Transit
London Transit operates a fleet of buses. Full-time students at Fanshawe College receive a bus pass included in their tuition. Routes and schedules are provided for each bus route.
The LTC uses accessible buses which include low floors and designated scooter and wheelchair securement areas.
The LTC offers the Support Person Pass which allows users of the transit system who require a support person to have this person travel with them at no additional cost. Persons interested in the Support Person Pass must fill out the application form.
The Specialized Transit service administers the various accessible transportation services in London. The Specialized Transit service offers an accessible fixed route-service connecting users to community destinations, workshops and medical shuttles, and door-to-door services. Information about eligibility guidelines and the application process is available on their website.
Fanshawe College offers Full-Time Programs and Apprenticeships, and other courses.