This guide has been created by the Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC). RARC provides accurate and comprehensive assessments and follow-up services to post-secondary students with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and ASD. RARC provides these services to students at Queen’s University and St. Lawrence College in Kingston, Ontario and at other institutions across south-eastern Ontario. For more information about RARC or their services, visit www.queensu.ca/rarc.
Mission, Vision, & Key Message
To provide and promote a comprehensive, easy-to-compare guide to accessibility and other essential resources across all publicly funded Ontario post-secondary schools. Students will use the TRG as a tool to research and plan their entry to college and university and as a resource to build self-advocacy skills. Parents and educators will gain knowledge from the TRG to support students and refer students to the site.
Incoming students with disabilities in Ontario will be empowered to make informed decisions, increase their confidence and improve their self-advocacy to reach their full potential in post-secondary and beyond.
Key Message
Everything you need to know about accessibility and other essential resources across all publicly funded Ontario post-secondary schools.
The Purpose of the Guide
This guide is a comprehensive tool to help all students, but specifically, to help students with disabilities arm themselves with the knowledge they need to access resources at college and university and make a successful transition to post-secondary education.
It is aimed to support students as they make the transition in three ways. The Learn About Accessibility section of the guide outlines important post-secondary transition information for students with disabilities including the supports and services available at post-secondary. This section also provides information that is specific to different disabilities, such as common concerns and struggles, available accessibility services, and potential student and community support services. The information is general to all publicly funded colleges and universities in Ontario and is intended to help students and their families know what to expect as they prepare for the transition to post-secondary.
The Plan Your Journey section walks students through the steps to take as they prepare for the transition to post-secondary education, and how to best take advantage of the information provided in the guide, from starting their research on the different post-secondary institutions, to choosing the right school for them. This section also features important information on financial aid as well as personal transition story testimonials from students, parents, and high school and post-secondary staff.
The Research Schools section provides more detailed information regarding the specific information and available services at each publicly-funded college and university in Ontario. The information in this section has been compiled from websites and key personnel at post-secondary institutions, with links and contact information provided for students who would like more information on any item.
This guide is a great starting point for potential students as they prepare for the transition to post-secondary education, and remains a useful tool for students looking to access resources long after the transition is complete!
The RARC Transition Resource Guide would not be possible if we did not have the support of the many people who took the time to review parts of the guide, attend presentations, provide valuable feedback, suggest new ideas and assist in the technical aspects of the website creation.
In particular we would like to thank:
- Dr. Allyson Harrison, who supported this project and saw the value of it from the beginning
- The Disability Services Office Personnel (Jeanette Parsons, Gail Eaton-Smith, Wendy Ross, Dr. Mike Condra) at Queen’s University for critiquing the initial draft and providing very valuable feedback
- Pat Garrod from St. Lawrence College (Kingston) for suggesting the guide be made into a website
- The many secondary school guidance, special education, and resource staff who provided support and suggestions along the way
- Andrew Ashby for technical assistance and evaluating the website for Accessibility
- Greg Watson for technical assistance
- Candice Daiken and Laura Harrison for editing assistance
- Members of the IDIA (Inter-University Disability Issues Association)
- Members of the CCDI (College Committee on Disability Issues)
- Staff of the Ministries of Training Colleges and Universities, Education, and Child and Youth Services to whom we presented the guide
Guide Creators:
- Marie McCarron: Clinical Services Manager
- Jonathan English: Adaptive Technologist
- Aaron Bailey: Adaptive Technology Technician
- Alison Parker: Coordinator, Transition Programs
- Claire Notman: Coordinator, Transition Programs
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board advises and makes recommendations to the Transition Resource Guide team with the aim of making the site an accurate and up-to-date reflection of what is required for students with disabilities to make a successful transition to post-secondary education. This includes evaluating the guide, making recommendations for changes and future developments, reviewing new content, and exploring development and marketing opportunities.
Board members include representation from the following groups and stakeholders:
- Inter-University Disability Issues Association (IDIA)
- College Council on Disability Issues (CCDI)
- Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC)
- Ontario Colleges
- Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC)
- Centre d'evaluation et de ressources du Nord de l'Ontario (CERNO)
- Secondary special education and guidance staff
- Post-secondary accessibility staff
- Students with disabilities (secondary school, college, university)
- Parents of students with disabilities
- Transition Resource Guide content development team